Learning Styles
Researchers have confirmed that students learn in different ways, in other words, that they have different learning styles. Teachers used to teach primarily to verbal or mathematical learners, which didn’t allow full development of student potential. Today, good teachers understand the different learning needs of students and offer assignments helping several types of learners. Parents should make sure their child’s’ assignments match their child’s learning style.
- The verbal learner remembers what is read or spoken. They usually do well in settings that emphasize reading.
- The visual learner learns from what is seen, especially diagrams and pictures.
- The musical/auditory learner listens to the rhythms of words and can memorize facts and dates with jingles or raps.
- The physical/kinesthetic learner learns from movements, such as writing flashcards or out a historical event.
- The logical/mathematical learner is good at logical puzzles and mathematical operations.
- The interpersonal, social learner is sensitive to the feelings of others and does well in a group.
- The intrapersonal, solitary learner is more reflective, preferring to work alone
What your Learning Style?
Most students use a combination of two or more styles and have strengths in more than one area. This site will help you discover what your learning styles inventory is.
Advantage Learning Center has considerable experience in identifying and addressing the different learning styles of students. Contact us today for a consultation.