Join Stan Schwartz, Lisa Moore, scores of Collegeville vendors and hundreds of Ursinus students and their parents, together with the larger Perkiomen Valley Community to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the College founding in 1869. Years ago, I taught Political Science and IR at the college and am still close to many faculty, staff and even former students I used to know. At Advantage Learning, we have both experience and expertise in helping introductory & intermediate Ursinus students in a number of college-level subjects in political science and history (Lisa 100, 200 & some 300 level); psychology 100, 200 level, math 100 level, statistics 100, 200 level, (Stan) and Modern languages (French and Spanish 100 level, Italian all levels (Lisa) Some nontraditional students who feel less comfortable with younger student tutor may also appreciate our tech-savvy, but laidback approach.